Submit an Article

We are currently open for submissions!

World of Lucid Dreaming is a place for community, where people come together to share what they've learned and how they apply that knowledge to their daily lives.

With 320,000 social media and email subscribers, World of Lucid Dreaming reaches a large audience of motivated, passionate people.

Anyone, from anywhere, can submit an original post for inclusion on this website. This is not an elite space. This is a site for real people who are willing to share themselves vulnerably and authentically.

This is an opportunity to share widely your:

  • Most profound lucid dreams and personal triumphs in lucidity
  • Insights into sleep, dreams and consciousness
  • Exploration into related topics such quantum mechanics, entheogens, technology, psychology, the power of the mind - or anything unique and interesting you think our audience would relate too!
  • University research projects and dissertations

...and any other first-hand information you feel would enrich the lives of other lucid dreamers. Articles do not have to exclusively relate to lucid dreaming but should be relevant in our search for understanding dreams, the nature of consciousness and the human condition.

Most importantly, I'm looking for content that is fresh, insightful, opinionated, educational, funny or factual.

I'm NOT looking for marketing articles or articles written solely for the purpose of gaining a link to a marketing website.

How to Submit

Before you send me your article please read my submission guidelines. That link also has details of how to send me your work.

If you don't receive a reply, you probably breached one of my submission guidelines.

Thank you sharing your valuable experiences with us.


Chris Hammond

Chief Lucidity Officer