Article Submission Guidelines

Please take a minute to read the article submission guidelines before considering a pitch. Thank you!

1. Be original. That means 100% your own words (unless clearly quoting and referencing another author).

2. Be exclusive. Articles must not appear in part or in full on other websites or blogs. Special exemptions can be made with prior agreement - eg, for research projects and dissertations.

3. Be well-researched. If you're making lesser known factual claims, please provide your sources for verification. Cite studies as links.

4. Be personal. Write in the first person. You may share your finest lucid dream moments, top ten lists, opinion pieces and other first-hand material.

5. Be clear and concise. Write for a mass audience and keep your message clear. When writing for the internet, remember: short sentences and short paragraphs are best.

6. Be respectful. Be opinionated, but have respect for your audience. Do not be inflammatory, vulgar or harassing.

7. Don't state opinion as fact. If you're making a sweeping opinion statement stated as fact, you will be called up on it.

9. Use images. As long as you have the rights to them. They should illustrate the written content and be no more than 530 pixels wide.

11. Target ~2,000 words. Special exemptions are made for research papers and dissertations.

12. Don't write advertorials. This includes very basic articles written solely for the purpose of gaining an external link. Don't expect a reply if you ask for this.

13. Infographic are not welcome. Sorry, not interested!

14. Include an author biography. Include around 80 words summarizing your name, location, background and any other key details. Please include a headshot of ideally 175 x 230 pixels.

How to Submit Your Article

You should submit a pitch via email to Please include a brief bulletpoint summary of your proposed article, length and a little about you and your site.

Once you've sent in a pitch, I'll let you know within 14 days whether to go ahead and create the content.

Once the content is created, it will be reviewed/edited and then scheduled for publication on the site.

Publication is not automatically guaranteed and we reserve the right to reject an article if it is of poor quality or not in keeping with the principles of the website. If your article is not suitable for publication, we will let you know so that you may submit it elsewhere.

Please remember, once your article is accepted it may not be re-published elsewhere on the internet without prior permission.