Books are a powerful way to increase our understanding and generate new perspectives. Good books are immersive and profound: they can change the way we live our lives.
In teaching us new lessons, stripping away fallacies and inspiring independent thought, the following books on lucid dreaming are bestsellers for a reason - they are groundbreaking and thought-provoking reads to expand your awareness and develop your lucid dreaming skills.
This is the account of a talented lucid dreamer who stumbles upon a new dimension of conscious awareness: the ability to interact consciously with the dream observer; the apparent Inner Self. Waggoner discovered that while aware in the dream state, one has both a psychological tool and a platform from which to understand dreaming and the larger picture of man's psyche as well. Armed with this discovery, he proposes five stages of lucid dreaming and guides readers through them, offering advice for those who have never experienced the lucid dream state and suggestions for how experienced lucid dreamers can advance to a new level. This book offers exciting insights and vivid illustrations that will intrigue not only avid dreamworkers but anyone who is interested in consciousness, identity, and the definition of reality.
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This book goes far beyond the confines of pop dream psychology, establishing a scientific framework for lucid dreaming to consciously influence the outcome of your dreams. It is based on Dr Stephen LaBerge's extensive laboratory work at Stanford University mapping mind/body relationships during the dream state.
Extensive in its depth and breadth of reach, it also encompasses the teachings of Tibetan dream yogis and the work of other scientists including German psychologist Paul Tholey. This practical workbook will show you how to use your dreams to solve problems, gain confidence, improve creativity and more.
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Called "the perfect book for beginners" by one reader, Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple provide Robert Waggoner's best techniques and advice for inducing lucid dreams and stabilizing them for long, fulfilling lucid adventures. Written with co-author Caroline McCready, Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple won an award from the Mind Body Spirit competition for excellence.
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The Art of Lucid Dreaming is a quick and easy guide to help you get lucid fast. Packed with practical tips so you can learn to “wake up” in your dreams. With more than 60 practices and 15 tailor-made programs to help you get lucid, this hands-on book features a unique Lucidity Quiz. Take the quiz to discover your personal sleeper-dreamer type, then fast-track to the best techniques for you personally. Achieve lucidity as quickly as possible. When you are lucid in a dream, you can choose to ask your unconscious mind for guidance, perform healing magic, seek creative solutions to problems, or explore the dream realm more deeply and more profoundly than ever before. Focusing on how to get lucid, stay lucid, and guide your dreams, this book was written by global lucidity teacher and life-long lucid dreamer Dr. Clare Johnson, who has researched lucid dreaming for 25+ years. Transform your nightly slumber into an exciting adventure that fills your life with meaning.
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Inspired by his work with military veterans, Charlie Morley explores how to combat the harmful effects of stress and trauma in order to achieve restful sleep and healing dreams. This book shares more than 20 body, breath, sleep and dreaming techniques proven to help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality in 87% of participants. You’ll explore: · the science of how stress and trauma affect sleep · yoga nidra and mindfulness practices for deep relaxation · breathwork practices to regulate the nervous system · lucid dreaming methods to transform nightmares Whether you're experiencing stressed-out sleep or not, these powerful practices will help you optimize the time you spend dreaming so that you can sleep better and wake up healthier.
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Talisman and amulets have been used throughout history and across
cultures as magical dream objects. With clear instructions and
simple exercises, this book shows you how to integrate the Lucid
Talisman (or any liminal object) into your lucid dreaming practice.
Lucid Talisman: Forgotten Lore is perfect for people who are new to
lucid dreaming or for lucid dreamers who've hit roadblocks in their
dream practice.
This is the most comprehensive book yet on the nocturnal meditations. Joining science and spirituality, East and West, in a full-spectrum exploration of the night, it explains how lucid dreaming develops into dream yoga, which can evolve into sleep yoga, which further develops into bardo yoga. Diving deep into the Buddhist nighttime practices, this dream yoga book will show you how to have lucid dreams and what to do with them.
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In this deeply comprehensive and modern guide to lucid dreaming, expert lucid dreamer and oneirologist, Daniel Love, will aid you on your unique journey through the fascinating exploration of your mind. This book brings the subject of conscious dreaming fully up to date, including the latest discoveries, research, techniques and much more. It is the perfect guide to help you unlock the hidden potential of your dreams, catering for both beginners and advanced lucid dreamers alike. This book is a no-nonsense approach to the enthralling phenomenon of lucid dreaming and is simply one of the most thorough, accessible and in-depth contemporary guides available.
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This ground-breaking new lucid dreaming handbook draws on cutting-edge science and psychology and shares the most up-to-date techniques on how to get and stay lucid, guide dreams, resolve nightmares, deepen creativity, explore reality, and integrate dream wisdom into everyday life. Written by life-long lucid dreamer Dr. Clare Johnson, who has researched lucid dreaming for 20 years, Llewellyn's Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming sheds light on fascinating topics such as the ethics of lucid dream sex and violence, sleep disorders, healing, navigating the void, how to interact with dream figures, and the ultimate nature of consciousness.
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Some of the greatest of life's adventures can happen while you're sound asleep. That’s the promise of this book - revealing the steps to altering your dream reality any way you like. As you'd expect, Wallace offers a range of techniques anyone can learn to become a lucid dreamer. But he also shows how to take the experience of lucid dreaming beyond entertainment to use it to heighten creativity, to solve problems, and to increase self knowledge. He then goes a step further: moving on to the methods of Tibetan Buddhist dream yoga for using your lucid dreams to attain the profoundest kind of insight.
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With its evocative retro illustrations, A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming is written by three avid, experienced lucid dreamers. It's a manual for the dream world that takes the reader from step one - learning how to reconnect with his or her dreams - through the myriad possibilities of what can happen once you're lucid.
Beginners will learn about the REM sleep stage, how to improve dream recall by keeping a journal and the importance of reality checks. Once you become lucid, you'll be shown exactly how to make the most of it. As the book's authors write: "Every time you dream, you are washing up on the shores of your own inner landscape." This is how you'll explore it.
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Experienced by millions as supernatural assault, sleep paralysis often includes realistic and frightening hallucinations projected into the waking world. It's little known cure? Lucid dreaming.
In Sleep Paralysis, these night visitations of ghosts, vampires and even aliens are honored afresh from the perspective of contemporary dream science. Although they can be terrifying, these visions can also be a reliable portal to other extraordinary states, including lucid dreams, out-of-body experiences and guided journeys to realms beyond our imagination. Sleep Paralysis is a rare find that discusses sleep paralysis and its related dream visions from a how-to perspective - a book for those who want to manage their SP or engage more confidently with this ancient lucid dreaming technique.
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Dreams of Awakening is a thorough exploration of lucid dreaming theory and practice within both Western and Tibetan Buddhist contexts. It not only explores lucid dreaming practices, but also Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep, the holistic approach to lucidity training which the author co-created. As a result, the book is personal, based on 12 years of real practice and hundreds of lucid dreaming workshops which Morley has taught around the world.
Using a three-part structure of Ground, Path and Germination the reader is given a solid grounding in the history and benefits of lucid dreaming, cutting edge research from dream and sleep scientists, entering the path of learning to do the practices, prophetic dreams, lucid living and out of body experiences. The fundamental aim of the book is to teach people how to lucid dream their way to psychological and spiritual growth.
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"If we cannot carry our practice into sleep," Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche writes, "if we lose ourselves every night, what chance do we have to be aware when death comes? Look to your experience in dreams to know how you will fare in death. Look to your experience of sleep to discover whether or not you are truly awake."
This book offers detailed instructions from dream yoga including foundational practices done during the day. Dream practices are followed by sleep yoga, also known as the yoga of clear light. It is considered a more advanced practice to stay aware during deep sleep. Most Westerners do not even entertain this as a possibility...
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This breakthrough book covers everything you need to know to experience lucid dreams and OBEs using the LDS (Lucid Dream Supplement) induction technique.
Thomas Yuschak holds Masters Degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Modern Physics and has been studying lucid dreaming for over a decade. Now a leading authority on the supplement approach of inducing lucid dreams, Yuschak delivers the first comprehensive guide that explains how to use natural, non-prescription, and healthy supplements to induce some of the most profound experiences that humans can achieve.
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