Is it possible for everyone to lucid dream? Because I have been trying since the beginning of last summer and all that has happened is I got like a 5 second lucid dream. What am I doing wrong?
Rebecca says: Experts tend to agree that anyone who dreams can also lucid dream. It is a matter of bringing waking consciousness to the dreamworld.
Children can spontaneously lucid dream; one reader remembers having lucid dreams as early as three years old. And even those in ill health, like sufferers of Parkinson's Disease can have lucid dreams as a side effect of their medication.
Lucidity is a state of awareness where the conscious meets the unconscious mind. Like people who practice OBEs, hypnosis and meditation. These are all different states of mind that come with practice and the right techniques.
The only way to guarantee lucid dreams is consistency of practice. Write down at least one regular dream every day. Question your reality as often as possible, because this self awareness is how you become lucid in a normal dream.
Keep the idea of lucid dreaming on your mind during the day. I have more lucid dreams when I read books on the subject, so see what you can get at the library or online (even this website!) All this information filters through to the unconscious at night, and can help you realize when you are dreaming. Your first one was the hardest to achieve, so congratulations! Don't be put off because it only lasted 5 seconds - that happened to me at first too. It's the act of becoming lucid that counts. The next few may come quickly in succession, then you may not lucid dream again for weeks. As long as you are consistent and rack up more lucid experiences, it will get easier and easier, and soon you will have really long lucid dreams with amazing dream control.