Are you looking for a lucid dreaming forum?
Or even a lucid dreaming community?
If so, that’s quite understandable. Being part of an active community can be a great asset to your lucid dreaming practice.
Not only will you be able to ask questions and receive answers from more experienced dreamers, but you’ll be able to share your own experiences to help benefit others.
And of course…
You’ll likely be pulled off into all manner of fascinating philosophical tangents! Discussions about the nature of reality, consciousness and associated goodness.
A lucid dreaming forum can also be a great place to keep an online dream journal – and read about others lucid dreams – forming a nice on-going source of inspiration and motivation.
The only question becomes which community should you join?
As of June 2019, you have a number of options available to you. Let’s take a look at main forums and communities, along with the pros and cons of each.
Our very own forum!
We hosted this public forum here from 2013 until 2019.
During this time, we amassed over 10,391 registered users and 61,502 posts. During its early days, there was a buzzing community, with many varied topics under discussion and over 1,000 lucid dreams in the ‘share your lucid dreams’ sub-forum.
Sadly, over the years, the forum suffered multiple attacks from spammers.
Despite our best efforts, the relentless bombardment took its toll and in June 2019 after a particularly vicious attack, we made the decision to close the doors and move to a private forum model.
Pros: No ads, Free, Good Archive of Posts
Cons: Frequently spammed, No longer available!
LD4all is a forum that has been running since 2001.
Sadly, it doesn’t seem to have changed much in the last 15 years and it still sports the same tired looking design and interface from back in the day.
Nevertheless, “don’t judge a book by its cover” – LD4all still has an active community of lucid dreamers behind it. There aren’t a ton of new posts every day, but there is a genuine contingent of passionate and helpful dreamers that hang out there (and have done for years).
It even has a basic ‘chat’ feature (if you dare to download and install an old school chat client like MIRC).
LD4all definitely has some prestige – even if it’s looking a bit dated – and it’s one of the most well known lucid dreaming forums on the net.
Pros: No ads, Free, Solid reputation
Cons: Showing its age, relatively quite
Dream Views runs what is undoubtedly the largest dreaming community on the net. They started back in 2003 and like many forums peaked around 2008-2011 during the Inception era.
Their forum software and interface is pretty mature, as it has been refined and maintained over the years.
Whatever you’re looking into, it’s quite likely been discussed on Dream Views before – as they have a variety of different sub-forums, covering dream interpretation, shared dream journals (which are quite active) as well as lucid dreaming itself.
Unfortunately, the whole forum is plastered with huge, ugly ads which really ruin what could be a much more immersive experience.
There’s also not a huge volume of new activity anymore, with none of the sub-forums having recent posts from today (when I checked on the 10th June 2019) – and their ‘DreamTube’ video section not updated since 2013.
Pros: Free, Good software, large community,
Cons: Ugly distracting ads, declining activity
No discussion of online communities would be complete without mention of the appropriate sub-reddit!
Naturally, given the scale of the topic, there is a lucid dreaming sub-reddit.
And it’s actually a very decent size, with 242k members and 116 online at the time I just checked while writing this post. Which makes it the most active of the above options, with multiple active discussions happening on any given day.
Of course, being Reddit, this means the community has a particular ‘flavor’ to it – which is either a positive or negative thing, depending on your perspective!
The moderators here also don’t seem to be very open-minded. All discussion of astral projection and out of body experiences have actually been banned according to the forum rules! So if you have any interest at all in questioning the limits of current scientific dogma, this may not be the place for you.
You’ll also have to put up with the Ads that appear all over Reddit these days
Pros: Free, very active
Cons: Ads, restrictive rules
This is the successor to the old World of Lucid Dreaming Forum mentioned above.
In fact, rather than being only a forum - The World of Lucid Dreaming Academy combines a number of other community and social features designed to assist your learning process. There are Live Q&As, a fully featured social network and 24x7 online chat.
The private forums themselves are based on up-to-date software and completely free from ads, spam and trolls.
As the Academy is relatively new, the membership is still growing. However the community was designed from the ground up to include well known lucid dreaming researchers, authors and teachers – who actively participate in the forum as well.
The community rules are very relaxed and encourage open-minded discussion from dreamers of all spiritual and scientific persuasions. It’s healthy to question your own beliefs!
Of course, as the only paid option on this list - all this extra functionality does come at a cost.
Pros: No ads, includes social and chat, additional learning features
Cons: Paid, relatively new