Lucid Dream Machines: Sleep Masks, SleepPhones, REM Headbands and Beyond

Ever since lucid dreaming entered the public eye in the 80s, there have been countless attempts to create the ultimate lucid dream machine. The idea is to make lucid dreaming as easy as possible, accessible to anyone.

From light-emitting sleep masks, to REM-detecting headbands, to sound and light machines, to wireless headphones and meditation aids, we're seeing lucid dreaming tech emerge at an increasing rate. It's an exciting scene to follow.

Whether you're seeking relaxation, faster sleep or gadgets to directly induce the lucid dream state, you'll find some interesting concepts on this page. These are my reviews of some of the most intriguing lucid dream machines and related technologies.

Top 10 Sleep Gadgets and AppsTop 10 Sleep Gadgets and Apps

Check out the top 10 best-selling, most intriguing, and downright weirdest gadgets to keep by your bedside for better quality sleep and dreams.

Aurora: The Lucid Dreaming HeadbandAurora: The Lucid Dreaming Headband

The Aurora headband by iWinks is the first of a new generation of lucid dreaming devices. The most exciting aspect? Its ability to detect exactly when you're in REM (dream) sleep.

Sleep Mask ReviewsTop 5 Sleep Masks for Lucid Dreaming

Sleep masks have several benefits for meditation and lucid dreaming - find out my all-time favorite mask for lucid dreaming and meditation.

AcousticSheep SleepPhones (Wireless Headphones) ReviewAcousticSheep SleepPhones (Wireless Headphones) Review

Sleep masks have several benefits for meditation and lucid dreaming - find out my all-time favorite mask for lucid dreaming and meditation.

Wake Up to The Dawn of Bedroom RoboticsWake Up to The Dawn of Bedroom Robotics - Kickstarter

The Wakē is a new piece of sleep tech that creates your own personal sunrise while your partner sleeps on. It also has some cool lucid dreaming features.

NovaDreamer ReviewThe NovaDreamer Review

Read my review of the NovaDreamer lucid dream mask, detailing all the features and what to expect from the new NovaDreamer II by The Lucidity Institute.

REM Dreamer ReviewThe REM Dreamer Review

This is my review of the REM Dreamer, Europe's answer to the NovaDreamer created by ELI Company. It shares many technical features and is considerably cheaper.

The Remee ReviewThe Remee Review

The Remee made a considerable splash in 2012 as a next generation lucid dream mask - but has it lived up to all the media excitement? Find out here.

The Lucid Dreaming MP3 ReviewMy Favorite Lucid Dreaming MP3s

Check out my favorite brainwave entrainment MP3s for lucid dreaming, which you can use for night-time meditation, DILD and WILD lucid dreams.

The Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis MP3Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis MP3

Our own custom recording to program the mind for lucidity through hypnotic autosuggestion. Uses classic dream visualization and is part of my Lucid Dreaming Fast Track course.

Tranquil Turtle by Cloud B ReviewTranquil Turtle by Cloud B Review

Tranquil Turtle by Cloud B is a soothing ocean light and sound machine that won the 2013 Infant/Toddler Toy of The Year Award. Here's why grown-ups love this critter too.

Sleepsonic ReviewThe Sleepsonic Pillow Review

The Sleepsonic Pillow is a hi-tech speaker pillow for listening to brainwave entrainment, guided meditation and other lucid dreaming audios in the hypnagogic and hypnopompic phases.

Sound Oasis S650 ReviewThe Sound Oasis S650 Review

The Sound Oasis S-650-1 sound therapy machine features clinically proven in-built meditation music and relaxation sound effects for better sleep. Read my full review.

Lucid Dreaming Kit ReviewAudio Stimulation CD Review

Take a look at my review of the Lucid Dreaming Kit by Bradley Thompson, one of the features of which is an 72-minute Audio Stimulation CD with binaural beats.

Instadreamer interviewInstadreamer: Interview with the Founder and CEO

The Instadreamer is one of the most promising new lucid dreaming devices to be conceived. It doesn't take the form of a mask or headband either.


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About The Author

About The Author

Rebecca Casale is a lucid dreamer and a science writer with a special interest in biology and the brain. She is the founder of World of Lucid Dreaming and Science Me.